Friday, September 25, 2015

Op-ed: Wind power blows past effects of fossil-fueled opponents

While Simmons may think wind is unreliable, energy utilities beg to differ. Out of vinte gigawatts in electricity generating product volume utilities expect to add to the grid as part of 2015, wind energy will show 9. 8 gigawatts — a any other energy source. Natural gas comes in last with 6. 3 gigawatts and thus solar third with 2 . double gigawatts.

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The piece is premised in part on the misleading claim that a couple of energy provides only 1. 6 100 of U. S. energy. Tom cleverly includes transportation fuels when making wind's contribution appear less than seriously is. Wind energy actually represents just 5 percent of our nation's electricity provision, with higher percentages in seventeen-year-old states. Iowa and North Dakota get more than 25 percent of their source of electricity from wind.

Simmons, like many tied to the FOSSIL iPhone 5 fuel conglomerate Koch Industries, is trying to deprive wind energy fair treatment because of the many tax advantages provided regarding fossil fuels. He argues where wind energy is a bust save for it can compete without a tax motivator, but he is not equally troubled by the greater and more permanent military subsidies that well-established fossil \gasoline interests receive ­— estimated within the Joint Committee on Taxation that can be $21. 8 billion over the pursuing five years.

The production tax credit rating for wind that Simmons is set in a lather about has less of a budgetary impact than every one government goodies being doled to FOSSIL iPhone 5 case fuels.

How does one seem sensible of Simmons' position? You can't. Except if, as in his case, your position is regarded as funded by the Charles G. Koch Foundation. There are no free business principles at work here, just your man's benefactor's fear that wind vitality is gaining market share over fossil fuel and gas.

Investment in a couple of energy is good for everyone, particularly when you concentrate on the broader context of a couple of energy holding down prices, fostering vitality independence and a diversifying our vitality portfolio. Wind is a free, keep clean, domestic fuel source that just cannot dry up and is virtually immune regarding price volatility from events and thus market conditions in other parts of world wide.

Utilities are adding wind product volume at a record pace because it is some of the best and helps hold down the costs together with electricity. While the wind does not setback ? hitch ? hiccup ? knock all the time at one given room, it doesn't need to. Utilities have calculated how to manage wind to optimal advantage.

We should not allow fossil fuel and gas interests to succeed in utilization of tax code to rig real estate in their favor by permanently arriving the wind energy tax credit. When it is smart to diversify one's bank portfolio, it is smart for our area to diversify its energy to learn.

David Jenkins is president together with Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship. Tim Fales, CPA, is an energy commodity professional and a senior fellow near the Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship.

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